Monthly Archives: May 2019

Anniversary VIII

You told me not to write a blog this year, but I had to. However, I kept it concise so we can go get hibachi tonight.


“It’s gonna be weird celebrating our anniversary actually on our anniversary” – Me

“Hah, right? It came so quick this year” – Ashly

It really did. Time flies when you’re having fun though, right? I can’t help but feel like that’s what our relationship and marriage has been. Fun. I don’t understand and can’t comprehend those stereotypical complaints about how marriage is difficult. These past 8 years have been the most fun years I’ve had in my whole life and I have you to thank for that. Sure, we’ve had our own personal experiences (mostly with work because what else is there, right? Haha) that make life unbearable and aggravating but at the end of the day, being together makes it all worthwhile and easier to deal with.


You never, ever cease to amaze me. Your strength and ability to plan, organize, and control situations is absolutely staggering. I don’t know many others who have the confidence to take charge of a stadium full of 12,000 people. I saw you at your pinnacle this past weekend. I always say I have never been more proud of you when I see you in action and taking control but you continue to find ways to make me even more proud. You are an inspiration to me every day.


Colorado, Wyoming, Hawaii. Just a few of our adventures this past year. These experiences are made all the more better with you by my side. We always joke about moving to wherever we are when we go to a new place and I know that together we’d be able to make it no matter where we are – I give you all the credit for that. You are my home and where you are, I am most comfortable (I mean, the dogs too but mostly you, haha). I look forward to more adventures with you and what the world has to offer (I mean, we need to go to Europe, right?)


Seeing your successes fills me with a joy I can’t even explain. I can’t ask for more than knowing that you are receiving everything you deserve. You carry a weight and responsibility that would break ordinary people – you are truly extraordinary. It’s about damn time that that is recognized and rewarded. You are strong, independent, and you take no shit from anyone. That may seem like a generic statement that most people would make about their significant other, but those people are wrong. No one – I mean no one – is like you.


My love for you is indescribable.

The joy you bring to my life is incalculable.

The lengths I would go to keep you safe are immeasurable.

You are the best of me and I will love you always.

Happy Anniversary baby. I love you.
