Anniversary X

10 years in an instant

10 years and my love has no limit

10 years my best friend

10 years my soulmate

10 years of success and defeat

10 years of watching you grow

10 years of the loudest laughs

10 years of the deepest pain and tears

10 years of looking into your eyes

10 years of kissing your lips

10 years of holding you tight

10 years of waking to your voice

10 years as your confidant

10 years as a family

10 years of each other‘s families being there for us

10 years and we’ve each experienced terrible losses to our families

10 years and we’ve gained beautiful nieces and nephews

10 years of fur babies still with us and the perfect one we lost

10 years and maybe six more dogs in the next 10?

10 years of Disney

10 years of “How ‘bout those Chiieeeffffssss!”

10 years of going to Arrowhead more than Giants Stadium 🤔

10 years of we have fun right

10 years of dance parties at home

10 years of building roots

10 years of being each other’s therapist

10 years of having each other’s back no matter what

10 years of beard

10 years since the gazebo

10 years of being able to call that hot blonde girl my wife

10 years seems like it’s just the beginning

10 years more feels like no time at all

10 years

This blog over the last 10 years has given me an opportunity to express everything I feel for you. Thank you for being my inspiration in all things. If these last 10 years are any indication, then the rest of my life will be beyond perfect. I’ve probably written this every year on our anniversary but I don’t know what I did in this life or a previous life to deserve someone as special as you. The next 10, 20, 30, forever years, I want to show you every day that you mean the world to me. This has been a life that is beyond measure and I have you to thank for it. I’ll love you forever and always. Thank you for being you.

I love you baby

Happy 10 years

Anniversary IX

It’s funny – last year’s blog began with a conversation between us about how odd it was that we’d be celebrating our anniversary actually ON our anniversary (since we do what we want and like to celebrate it the day before). The word odd is pretty appropriate this year as we’re celebrating nine years in a pandemic! Luckily for us, isolating is our strong suit so avoiding humanity to celebrate the two of us is a very comfortable experience (and not to mention we ended up having a celebration without planning it TWO days before our actual anniversary because goddamnit we could).

Oh yeah, by the way – nine years?!?! Holy shit, right? Not that we never thought we’d make it this far (although we’ll see about 10 😉), it’s simply amazing that nine years of marriage can go by in a flash. That being said, it’s been an indescribable ride with you and every day I’m thankful that I get to wake up next to you (mostly you waking up first to take the dogs out…sorry).

This year has been trying so far in so many ways for you. And while we weren’t able to go back to Hawaii this year (fingers crossed for October!), I’m forever grateful that we decided to go to Kansas City in February. I know I thought you were crazy for suggesting that we go there to watch the Super Bowl, but you made the best decision for both of us. I think it’s one of the best trips we’ve ever taken together and I was so unbelievably elated to be able to watch you experience that moment. Despite the quick turnaround on the trip, me losing my voice, and us needing to sleep almost a full day to recover, I wouldn’t trade it for anything – I live for those moments and memories that we’ll always remember together.

You still laugh at my stupid jokes and I love that you love when you crack a joke and you have me laughing hysterically (seriously, you should be a stand up comedian).

You still put up with all of my childlike behaviors with a subtle eye roll and an “Oh god” – for example, my brand new obsession with needing to buy and build ridiculously expensive LEGO sets (and also watching the whole season of LEGO Masters).

You never settle for complacency. Whether we’re talking big picture about your job and trying to get better at it and improve your status or smaller details like the house and continuing to try and make it more our home (I know I complain about painting but I revel in how impressed you are with a simple paint job I complete – or maybe you’re buttering me up so I continue to paint different walls…a thought I literally just had as I was typing…ANYWAY!)

You continue to amaze me with your ability to be adaptable and show so many people how truly capable you are. Being home more often because of this pandemic has allowed me the opportunity to see you at your best at work. If there is any doubt in anyone that you can handle anything thrown your way, they need to wake up to your absolute potential.

I don’t think there’s such a thing as a good transition to what I’m about to write and in all honesty, I really struggled with the idea of including this in our blog. However, I felt like it would be a disservice to him if I didn’t. This year, I had to see you experience one of the worst moments that anyone can have in their lives. I’m starting to tear up as I type this because not only did it hurt losing Pop Pop so suddenly but it destroyed me to see you so heartbroken and torn apart. I wish I had the ability to take that pain away from you and protect you from ever having felt it. I know how much you love Pop Pop and I love him so much too and I thank you every day for having brought him and the rest of your family into my life over 10 years ago. They aren’t my in-laws, they are my family and I have you to thank for that. Just like I have you to thank for Pop Pop being in my life. I love him and miss him so much too. And it is your love for him and the rest of your family that is one of the things I love about you the most because that is the love you gift to me too. Being your husband and best friend means being your rock when you are unsteady and I can only hope I was able to be that for you and that I continue to be that for you.

Just remember, I will always be here for you – no matter the circumstance.

I will always do my best to protect you.

I promise that you can always count on me for anything.

I promise that I will love you forever. You are truly my everything.

I love you Ash


Anniversary VIII

You told me not to write a blog this year, but I had to. However, I kept it concise so we can go get hibachi tonight.


“It’s gonna be weird celebrating our anniversary actually on our anniversary” – Me

“Hah, right? It came so quick this year” – Ashly

It really did. Time flies when you’re having fun though, right? I can’t help but feel like that’s what our relationship and marriage has been. Fun. I don’t understand and can’t comprehend those stereotypical complaints about how marriage is difficult. These past 8 years have been the most fun years I’ve had in my whole life and I have you to thank for that. Sure, we’ve had our own personal experiences (mostly with work because what else is there, right? Haha) that make life unbearable and aggravating but at the end of the day, being together makes it all worthwhile and easier to deal with.


You never, ever cease to amaze me. Your strength and ability to plan, organize, and control situations is absolutely staggering. I don’t know many others who have the confidence to take charge of a stadium full of 12,000 people. I saw you at your pinnacle this past weekend. I always say I have never been more proud of you when I see you in action and taking control but you continue to find ways to make me even more proud. You are an inspiration to me every day.


Colorado, Wyoming, Hawaii. Just a few of our adventures this past year. These experiences are made all the more better with you by my side. We always joke about moving to wherever we are when we go to a new place and I know that together we’d be able to make it no matter where we are – I give you all the credit for that. You are my home and where you are, I am most comfortable (I mean, the dogs too but mostly you, haha). I look forward to more adventures with you and what the world has to offer (I mean, we need to go to Europe, right?)


Seeing your successes fills me with a joy I can’t even explain. I can’t ask for more than knowing that you are receiving everything you deserve. You carry a weight and responsibility that would break ordinary people – you are truly extraordinary. It’s about damn time that that is recognized and rewarded. You are strong, independent, and you take no shit from anyone. That may seem like a generic statement that most people would make about their significant other, but those people are wrong. No one – I mean no one – is like you.


My love for you is indescribable.

The joy you bring to my life is incalculable.

The lengths I would go to keep you safe are immeasurable.

You are the best of me and I will love you always.

Happy Anniversary baby. I love you.





Anniversary VII

Lucky number 7, right?

Your favorite number, right?

Holy shit, we’ve been married for 7 years! When, exactly, did THAT happen? It’s crazy to me that we’ve been allowed to spend this much time together but it feels like I just walked by your office at the station yesterday (creeping on the new girl – the new, blonde, hottie)

We have fun, right?

By far, that is my absolute favorite thing that you say because, yes, we have a lot of fun together. You’re my favorite person in the whole world and I could never have more fun with anyone else in it. You’re my best friend who takes me to Dave and Buster’s on my 34th birthday to play video games because, we have fun, right?! You’re the best friend who goes to comic book movies with me and doesn’t judge me (ok, maybe sliiiigghhtttlllyy judges me) as I geek out and gasp and tap your leg repeatedly when something cool happens. Even when we went to Firefly Festival and were surrounded by Generation Z’ers (is that what they are?) we found a way to have fun because we have each other. You’re my best friend who sets up a “party zone” in our driveway so we can play beer pong (you only beat me once) and cornhole (I beat you every time). You’re my best friend with whom I can have, let’s call them spirited, debates with about anything and everything (yes, you are always right). You’re also my favorite person to gossip with and I love that you love when I’m all about you spilling the tea (thank you Bravo for teaching me that phrase). So, yeah, I’d say we have fun.

You continue to be an inspiration to me. It was just over a year ago that I went on a Facebook diatribe about that douchebag who undermined you at the Saratoga Summit. I was so angry, upset, and beside myself about that interaction and you were the complete opposite. You were calm and collected and the perfect example of professionalism. It was then that I realized that you have always been that person regardless of the professional role and setting in which you’ve been involved. I try to glean that ability from you all the time and enact in my own career. Even though I’m four years older than you, I look up to you. You put your all into everything you set out to do and damn anyone who tries to get in your way. You really are my hero in more ways than one.

Now that we got that serious stuff out of the way, I thought I’d do a little Facebook creeping and post some of the highlights of Ashly and I over the past year since our last anniversary. These are only a small snippet of the two of us and they are examples of why I will always be in love with you.

May 9th, 2017

(Yes, this one was right before our anniversary last year but it’s gold and I couldn’t resist posting it here)

“‘How do you eat your black and white cookie?’ –Joey Keating

These are the important questions you need to ask before you marry someone. Because he was not happy with my answer. Apparently “just eating it” isn’t sufficient.

Happy 5 years and 364 days of marriage.”

June 3rd, 2017

“This is what happens when Joey Keating leaves me alone.” (this was posted with a picture of several eggs broken on the floor and the door handle of the fridge)

June 16th, 2017

“‘You look older.’ –Joey Keating in reference to my hair cut.

‘I mean like more mature.’

Things not to say to someone turning 30 this year. I feel like the internet is filled with videos to teach him this exact lesson.”

June 17th, 2017

“This picture was taken after Joey Keating spent 5 minutes explaining a Family Guy episode to me. Somehow I’m still smiling…”

August 17th, 2017

“I feel like being an adult is having the wherewithal to take the meat out of the freezer and put it in the fridge.”

September 9th, 2017

“A night dedicated to our heritage. First My Cousin Vinny for Joey Keating and now Braveheart. 😂😂 Our next dog’s name will be William Wallace Keating.”

November 19th, 2017 (in reference to the Chiefs losing to the Giants)

“When you’re losing to a loser, you’re left with no choice but making it from row 324 to 1. Just call me the queen of succeeding.”

January 4th, 2018

“I live for kindergarten cop.”

February 14th, 2017

“Mr. Keating and I don’t celebrate holidays like Valentine’s Day, or any holidays besides those related to binge eating and drinking. Call me when there’s a day devoted to spreadsheets. #mytruelove#myspreadsheetbringsalltheboystotheyard

March 10th, 2018

“I can’t live in a world where Mufasa dies. It’s just too much.”

March 12th, 2018

“‘Ugh.. I know what Diamond Dallas Page’s finishing move is.’ –Joey Keating

Normal Monday night discussion points.”

Pretty accurate representation of how you’re my favorite person ever. Whether it’s going with you to get your first tattoo ever or literally just two days ago driving around with the windows down and barely a purpose or destination, I will always be with you. I’ve never had such a deep-rooted need for anything in my life except the need to be with you. You are absolutely the half that makes me whole and I’m so grateful for the fact that we found each other almost nine years ago and have been best friends ever since. I love that every day I get to wake up next to you but I especially love May 10th because I can do this and show off to everyone in the world how much you truly mean to me.

My wife, my best friend, you are my everything, forever and always. I love you baby.

Happy Anniversary



Anniversary VI

Six years have passed and here is an anniversary blog where you haven’t just come home from traveling, we haven’t adopted another dog, and we haven’t moved to another state! But wait…you WILL be traveling soon and we did just move into a new house. So, I guess that can only mean I’ll be adopting a puppy over Fourth of July weekend while you’re gone! (Mwahahaha!)

Six years have passed in the blink of an eye and it has been the most satisfying, most unbelievable, and incomprehensibly joyous blur I have ever experienced. And I know in my heart that in six more years, that blur of time will be filled with everything I could have dreamed of because I’ll have you there with me (and then six years after that, and six years after that…but, hey, let’s not rush it, right? Ha). In the past year we’ve gone to Hawaii again and witnessed the most breathtaking sights together, we’ve been to Arrowhead on Christmas Day to see your beloved Chiefs, and we went to Boston to see the Red Sox on my birthday (and somehow found a cab after the piano bar to get us back to the hotel). But, it’s not just about the big events and big trips. It’s always been about those smaller moments that we get to experience every day. It’s in those moments that I know I’m with the one person I will always need in my life.

Six years have passed and I think we have finally found roots in a brand new home. A place we’ve been yearning for and a place we can call our own. A home that is complete because we’re together in it (plus the fur babies, but I won’t ramble on about them seeing as how they get spoiled too much as it is). I have never been more proud of us then I have been recently. We were able to find and acquire what I would consider our dream home (and let’s be real, if it wasn’t for your incredible budgeting skills, it wouldn’t have happened). I have had and will always have you to thank for it. My rock. My steadfast partner. My beautiful wife.

Six years have passed and you are the one who truly knows me. You appreciate my ridiculousness and encourage my creativity (most times with a much deserved eye roll). You are never a person in my life who feels the need to corral me (although a nudge to help me focus is always appreciated). And I feel the same towards you. I never want to limit you in any way. I love your ideas and I love watching you as you talk to me about a topic that mentally energizes you. Seeing you light up over spreadsheets or organizational techniques is cute and endearing in the nerdiest way possible. Much like when you listen to me ramble on about a comic book movie and how certain characters are represented correctly and whether or not their origin/costume/powers were correct…but I digress.

Six years have passed and I still get butterflies when I look at you across the room. Every morning I wake up next to you, it’s like falling in love with you all over again. You are my best friend and confidant and I still get giddy when I call you my wife. I love being around you and in those moments where we are apart, I long for us to be back together again.

Six years have passed and I treasure every moment. You are my lifeline and the half that makes me whole. I would absolutely be less without you and for that, I am forever yours.

Happy Anniversary, babycakes.

I love you to the moon and back.


Anniversary V

I thought that I had finished this blog prior to you getting home from your most recent trip. That was until I finally saw you again after being gone for 3 (almost 4 days). We were sitting in the kitchen and as you were telling me all about your trip, it confirmed everything you’re about to read. I am totally, unbelievably, and utterly in love with you. Your face fills me with joy and your voice is one of the most beautiful things in the world. You simply are the best. I’m proud to be your husband and proud to be celebrating another anniversary with you.

Ok, on to what I had already written…

It seems that when I started writing these blogs each new one was being written in a new state as we continued our nomadic journey together. Now that we’ve appeared to settle down, the new trend seems to be puppies (which is all well and good with me if it means that by our 10th anniversary we’re living on a couple of acres of land with 10 dogs…hey, I can dream!)

There we were last year, all set to go to Portland, Maine (with our Minnie, who I will only mention now because I don’t want to make you cry in sadness but in happiness) to celebrate our fourth anniversary; looking up the best craft beer bars and where to eat. Then we decided to go buy a new tag for Minnie at PetSmart and BAM!, we went home with Bailey. You think we would have learned our lesson a year ago but, like I said, another year of marriage, another puppy (who is waking us up way too early, way too often…damn you, Lilly!)

Another year of marriage and another realization that I’ve found that one person who absolutely completes me in every way. Example: when you left for work super early last year, only to come back home from Walmart to bring me Jurassic World on its release day. I mean, how perfect can you get?! Example 2: attempting to learn a choreographed dance together to Beyonce’s “Formation” (and getting the moves down faster than you…ahem). Example 3 through Infinity: literally every moment with you completes me.

Another year of marriage and I’m still so baffled as to what I did to deserve someone as perfect as you. I know you appreciate all of the little things I do for you but I do those things because I have this internal drive to continue to prove myself to you. I know you’ll think I’m crazy for saying that but it’s true. I am truly lucky to have you. I want to show my appreciation of that fact every day. You are my better half that makes me whole.

Another year of marriage and I’m so ridiculously in love with you that I miss you right after you say goodbye and head to work (which is why I will go out of my way just to bring you coffee). I look at you and it’s as if I’m seeing you for the first time all the time. That hot blonde girl who walked in the door of WOBM and had me like, “Who is THAT?!” Making you smile and making you laugh are two of my highest goals in this life.

Another year of marriage and almost seven years of being together and even more time being best friends. You will always be my confidant and my everything and knowing that I have someone to grow old and gray with (of course, I’ve already started on that graying process, so you have some catching up to do) is the greatest gift you’ve ever given me, not just as a wife, but as my best friend.

The rest of my life doesn’t sound like nearly enough time to spend with you but I love that I get to have you for however long that is.

You are and will always be my everything.

I love you baby.


Anniversary IV

If I’ve timed it correctly, this blog will automatically post while we’re waking up in Portland after celebrating our anniversary weekend.

Edit: Since we decided to bring a new member of the family home, I hope I’ve timed this correctly to post (most likely) after the little pup has woken us up around 6am. Hey, at least we got to go to Montreal. In the winter. When it was -10º Celsius. And neither of us speak French…

Anyway! Once again, four years later, I’ll be waking up next to the woman I get to call my wife and I’ll be utterly in awe that not only do I get to call you my wife, but I get to call you my best friend. And I’ll never be able to write enough blogs to explain how much that means to me. But I love the fact that every year I have the opportunity to try and do just that.

It’s incredible to think of the experiences we’ve had in just the last few months. The aforementioned new, furry responsibility and the fact that we sold our home in New Jersey. I know that I’ve always been bugging you about getting a new dog and we were going to get one when we bought a new home here, but you surprised me (as you still have the tendency to do) and said that you also wanted and were ready to bring home a new dog. I bring this all up because in the short amount of time that we’ve had the puppy (a responsibility neither of us has had to ever endure), you’ve totally gone out of your comfort zone and I am super proud of you for that.

315 Forrest Avenue in Lanoka Harbor is being sold and as much as I am super excited to be rid of the extra expense in the form of a mortgage and in turn even more excited to really search for new roots here in our new home, I can’t help but feel as if this a bittersweet moment for us. We started our life together in that tiny Cape Cod in Lanoka Harbor. This was the home that you came to me for advice about before we were ever dating (and as I mentioned in the first blog, I should’ve realized you totally dug me then!), we would go there during our lunch hour, sit in the car, and talk about the work we would do to it to make it our home. This was the home, almost immediately after we moved in, where in the middle of fixing it up with paint cans everywhere, an old TV stand left over from the previous owners, filthy carpets, and the beginnings of vibrant paint schemes, that I asked you to marry me. I asked you upstairs in our bedroom. In our first home. This is the moment where you said, “yes”, and that experience will not only live on in our minds but also in our home. So we say goodbye to the structure and the guts of our house, but we’ll never say goodbye to the memories we made there.

And now we continue to make more memories together (although I am surprised that this is a consecutive blog being written in the same state as last year). We are a true team. I know you always vocalize how much you appreciate the fact that I am always in your corner and always willing to do whatever I can to make you happy. I rarely ever state out loud how you are so much of that to me as well (I guess I save that stuff for a year to put it here). I will always have your back and always support your decisions, no questions asked (OK maybe I’ll question why we need to buy vinegar and baking soda to clean the microwave, but other than that, I got you boo). I truly would be lost without you. You have been my guide and my voice of reason and encouragement. Thank you for being that, as well as my level head to keep me grounded. I love you so much for it. 

“I was thinking; we’ve definitely come a long way from wondering what we had around the house to sell on eBay to make a few quick bucks. I’m proud of us!” 

I was so happy to send this text because it means that, in even a small way, we’ve begun to make it on our own. The stress from all of the hard work and long hours is starting to pay off for both us (whoda thunk?!) and everything has most definitely been coming up Milhouse. I mean, then we go out and buy a puppy, so maybe the stress will continue for a bit longer, but I digress.

Your beautiful face greeting me every morning makes starting each day easier.

Your smile is something I cherish because it means you’re happy.

I will do whatever I can to help you achieve your dreams, so I want you to never stop dreaming.

I will be here for you whenever you need me, so never hesitate to call on me.

I will forever be grateful for you and all that you are and everything that you do.

You make me better.

I love you forever and always, baby.

Thank you for another year.


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Anniversary III

And I thought I could convince you that I wouldn’t write another blog.

Three years of marriage together. Three blogs. Three different states.

At this rate, by our 50th anniversary, we’ll have lived in all 50 states. Only 47 more to cross off the list (I know how much you love lists)!

You’re gone more often now and while it makes me yearn for all of those days that we worked in the same office and saw each other all the time, I truly appreciate our relationship even more. Strength in a relationship isn’t built on routine. Routine can only serve to deteriorate it. Strength in a relationship is built upon the challenges you’ll face and learning how to conquer them. I was worried and nervous and upset that you’d be traveling so much and wouldn’t be around as often (and you’ve been gone even more than you said you would be. Grrrrr…) We figured out how to cope with this new change and it’s only made us closer and stronger.

Success will always be yours because you are a special woman. I have never met someone so focused, so sure, and so amazing when they put their mind to something. You don’t just create goals as esoteric, unattainable entities. You create goals so you can reach them, conquer them, and make even grander goals. And you will always succeed. (Of course, it helps having an awesome guy like me supporting you, but hey, I’m not here to toot my own horn) (Toot fucking toot though).

I yearn for those activities that most would categorize as mundane though. Watching terrible reality TV with you is an absolute joy for me because it means that you’re home with me and you’re all mine for those few moments (Bravo TV: you make my wife happy so, therefore, I am a fan of you). Those times in a person’s life that most people gloss over, I’ve learned to appreciate and savor. Getting dinner together, going for an unexpected drive to Lake George, or brushing your hair. Any time that I get to spend with you is a treasure to me.

Each fleeting glance is something I’ll hold on to forever. Each touch of your hand is something that I’ll want to feel forever. Each moment of silence is filled with all of the inaudible love I have for you. Each year that passes is another year that I get to grow older with you. And I look forward to all of the moments we have to share as the years go on. Time may take its toll on us but time will never wear down the love I have for you.

I love you with all of my heart and I still am dumbfounded when I realize how lucky I am to have you. We are the perfect example of what a relationship should be (in my vain and completely unbiased opinion).

I love waking up early to make you breakfast (because it means you’re home).

I love hearing you laugh (because it means I made a terrible joke that no one will laugh at).

I love all of you, every day, forever.

You’re everything to me and I will work everyday to be everything to you.

Happy Anniversary baby. You’re my favorite. Forever and always.


Anniversary II

It’s BEEN two years but it most certainly doesn’t FEEL as though it’s been two years.

“How do you feel about moving to Michigan?”

And then we did.

I would do absolutely anything for my beautiful wife. This past year found us moving halfway across the country to a state that neither of us had ever been to with no preconceived notion of what it would be like. But, we held each other’s hand and took that leap into the unknown. I knew how serious my wife was about following her dreams since she’d be leaving behind her family and I was absolutely willing to do anything I could to help her achieve that dream. So we packed up the U-Haul, the dog, and ourselves and we settled down in the Mitten.

There is no one else in this world with whom I would have rather had this experience.

I have an indescribable amount of pride in my wife for the challenges she’s faced and conquered so far. She inspires me to be a better person in everything I do (and sometimes that inspiration comes in the form of lists of things to do for the day). We rely on one another to keep our sanity in this crazy world and we confide in one another about everything that happens to us throughout every day.

I love how you laugh at all of my jokes (good and crappy ones alike).

I love how you don’t care how many tattoos I have/get.

I love that you are so driven in everything you do.

I love that you need to make a list for everything (yes, even the lists you make for me).

I love watching terrible TV with you and pretending I don’t like it but I’m just as caught up in the story lines as you.

I love being able to kiss you goodnight every night.

I love that you wake me up (before you go, go?) when you go to work to say goodbye to me.

I love that I don’t have to be self-conscious around you (this is mainly about being gassy…true love ladies and gents).

I love how you look at me sometimes and don’t say anything but just start smiling (I know what you’re thinking).

I love that I DO know what you’re thinking most times.

I love that you’re my family.

And Ashly, I love that you are truly my best friend because I am better for that fact.

I will always be here for you.

Happy Anniversary.

I love you.


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I can already see my wife’s reaction to the fact that I’ve written this blog.

An eye roll and an “Oh, God…”

And that is why I am in love with this woman and why this first year of marriage has felt like only a few days.

In 2008, a hot blonde girl started working in my building. A hot blonde girl with a boyfriend (ugh) and what appeared to be an attitude problem. My immediate response to this was to try and be my overly charismatic self, which, if you know me, comes off as cocky and annoying. Let’s just say it took a little while for any sort of friendship to develop between us. Eventually, this hot blonde and I would sit around and have conversations about this and that: Disney movies, football, eating, bitching about co-workers, etc… She really became my closest friend at work and her and I would confide in each other about life and all that jazz. She’d sit there and listen to my (mostly failed and unfortunately comedic) exploits with the opposite sex. I would sit there while she discussed things like home ownership, saving money and other topics of that ilk (which should’ve been a clue that she dug me a little bit because I had no experience with any of that). We’d discuss family troubles and workplace annoyances and out of our conversations we grew a really strong bond. It got to the point where people would insinuate that there was something between us even though we both vehemently denied those rumors. She had a boyfriend (ugh) and I was no home wrecker. Not to mention, I was a terrible judge of whether or not a person of the opposite sex took any interest in me. Knowing what I know now, there were innumerable hints that something was up and I was just too thickheaded to notice. She would hang out with me in the on-air studio well after the workday had ended. She would ask if I wanted her to bring me coffee or food. And we would just sit there and talk. I would quiz her on the names and positions of football players and she was impressively accurate with her answers! One winter she had to answer phones early in the morning for school closings due to snowfall. I came into work because I had access to a four wheel drive vehicle and she asked me to drive her home. Little memories like that are what kickstarted some interesting emotions within me. Lo and behold, after a while, I started to feel something for this hot blonde girl but I had absolutely no idea how I could convey that. I remember, one time, that I had texted her about a draw bridge being up and causing a traffic jam. She lived nowhere NEAR that draw bridge, I just wanted a reason to text her. Apparently, it was the same for this hot blonde girl as she decided to text back and forth with me during the NFL Draft, of all things. I was falling for her. There was no question about it except for the biggest question, “How do I get her to start dating me?”

“Hey, did you leave?”

I absolutely knew that this hot blonde girl had left the venue we were at for a work event but, again, I just wanted to text her. I finally decided to man up (with a little liquid courage) and meet up with her so I could find out if there was something there between us. Several months later in July 2010, I asked this hot blonde girl to marry me in the corniest way possible and she happily said, “Yes!” (after saying something along the lines of: “If you’re fucking with me, I’m going to kill you!”) Less than a year later, we were holding hands in a gazebo saying, “I do”.

I never knew being in a relationship could be as good as it has been with this hot blonde girl I call my wife. We work so perfectly together that sometimes it’s scary. Any preconceived notions of what a long-term relationship is supposed to be are thrown out the window when you connect with your soulmate. My happiness is indescribable and often overwhelming (in a good way). I’ve found someone who makes me a better person and for that, I am forever grateful. I’ve found someone who makes the notion of growing old together an exciting prospect.

If I know my wife, she’s reading this holding back tears and all the while exclaiming, “Uggggghh!” (because she outwardly says she can’t stand sappiness but I know the huge heart that she really has inside of her).

Ashly Breanne (Emerson) Keating. I love you with all my heart and I couldn’t be happier to be your husband.

Happy First Anniversary!

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